Detail Brush


Detail for those mind blowing illustrated styles

When you are building your nail art tool kit, it can be difficult to know what brushes to buy.
Back when I started my career, I purchased a lot of tools that were pointless, and useless.
I had to learn through trial and error what worked, and wasted a LOT of money along the way. When I spoke to my on-set assistants, and new nail techs, I learned they were still facing the same obstacle I was when I started, over TEN YEARS ago!
There are thousands of brushes out there, with so many different uses, and I swear I have tried them all! What I noticed was, regardless of how many brushes I owned, I was always reaching for the same five for every nail design I did.
With this idea in mind, I created an essential collection of brushes for the growing nail artist, with the quality, and craftsmanship a nail professional will truly love, and appreciate.

I hope you enjoy!
XO Fleury Rose